Notes on the event
There will be 20 minutes for the presentations at the conference, plus 5 minutes for questions and discussion. We suggest a PowerPoint presentation for this purpose.
The poster session will take place during the coffee breaks. Walls will be available for this purpose.
Submission of the final contribution
The articles will be published as a book in high-quality color print by KIT Scientific Publishing. The essay should have a total length of 8-12 pages and must be created with LaTeX. To enable us to finish the book in time, please send us the final version of your written contribution by September 30, 2024 at the latest. The required templates can be downloaded from the download section, see link in the box.
Notes on the preperation of the manuscripts
- The length of the article should not exceed 12 printed pages. Longer contributions may be shortened or not printed.
- Please use only the attached LaTeX templates. Other formats (e.g. Word) are not accepted.
- Please use high-resolution graphics (at least 300 ppi, better vector graphics).
- Deadline for submission of contributions until September 30, 2024
- Posters are allowed up to DIN A0 size (portrait)
If you would like to participate in the forum with your scientific work, you must first submit it for review. You can find out how to proceed here under: