Program archive

All conference programs from OCM 2013

March 21, 2023

The event addresses recent developments in innovative photonic micro sensors with digital image processing for geo-, color-, multi-, hyper- and full-spectral photonic measurement applications for the optical characterization of materials in industry, biology/medicine, environment and security and in daily life.

12:45 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

3 Sessions, 23 Presentations (10 min presentation and 5 min Q&A) and 1 Panel discussion (with Q&A)

March 22, 2023

An overview of implementing Multispectral Imaging coupled with machine learning for the assessment of microbiological quality and authenticity in foods

time author organization title
10:00 a.m. Tour Fraunhofer IOSB (optional) and Live sorting demo as milestone of PA-NIR sorting project
11:30 a.m. Registration and Snack  
12:30 a.m. Opening Ceremony with Prof. Dr. Jürgen Beyerer from Fraunhofer IOSB  
      Session 1: Recycling 1
12:50 a.m. Sabine Schlögl Montanuniversity Leoben Monitoring the sorting performance in lightweight packaging waste sorting plants using data of sensor-based sorters
1:15 p.m. Paul Bäcker Fraunhofer IOSB Detecting Tar Contaminated Samples in
Road-rubble using Hyperspectral Imaging and Texture Analysis
1:40 p.m. Coffee break    
      Session 2: Food Inspection
2:00 p.m. Ervienatasia Djaw Fraunhofer IVV Method Development for Spatially Resolved Detection of Adulterated Minced Meat
2:25 p.m. Marcel Mlynarik UWE Bristol Multispectral analysis for the determination of lycopene concentration in tomatoes
2:35 p.m. Oliver Lischtschenko Ocean Insight Rapid classification of pork from different origin by mobile Raman spectroscopy
3:00 p.m. Hannah Frank Cognitive Systems-Uni Tübingen Self-supervised Pretraining for Hyperspectral Classification of Fruit Ripeness
3:10 p.m. George Nychas AUA Greece An overview of implementing Multispectral Imaging coupled with machine learning for the assessment of microbiological quality and authenticity in foods
3:35 p.m. Fady Mohareb AUA Greece Demonstration of EU food identification database
3:45 p.m. Coffee break and postersession
      Session 3: Sensors 1
4:15 p.m. Bernd Jähne IWR-Uni Heidelberg Thermographic Techniques to Explore Small-Scale Processes at Water Surfaces
4:40 p.m. Chia-Wei Chen KIT-IES Sensitivity enhanced glucose sensing by
return-path Mueller matrix ellipsometry
5:05 p.m. Dennis Hofmann IUP-Uni Heidelberg Fluorescence Imaging of Concentration Fields of Dissolved Gases at Water Interfaces
5:30 p.m. Coffee break and postersession
5:50 p.m.   Plenary lecture
  Carsten Lorz Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf Cooperation in innovation and education in agriculture and nutrition with Africa
6:35 p.m. End of the first day   Change of Location for Special Presentation and Dinner
7:30 p.m. Reception and evening event in the Torbogensaal of the Botanical Garden Karlsruhe

March 23, 2023

time author organization titel
      Panel discussion
9:00 a.m.     Requirements on food quality - definition of quality characteristics in their development
10:15 a.m. Coffee break
      Session 4: Algorithm
10:35 a.m. Achim Kehrein Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences Quick-and-Dirty Computation of Voigt Profiles, Classification of Their Shapes, and Effective Determination of the Shape Parameter
11:00 a.m. Claudia Beleites Julius Kühn Institute Towards better Model Optimization: An Experimental Design Perspective on Cross-Validation
11:25 a.m. Andreas Polywka Fraunhofer IOSB Modeling of the effective reflectance of
droplet–covered surfaces
11:50 a.m. Lunch break  
      Session 5: Sensors 2
12:50 a.m. Sven Leuchs Fraunhofer FHR Imaging radar systems for non-destructive material testing. An overview of the state of the art, the limitations and the opportunities of radar technology
1:15 p.m. Simon Amann ITO-Uni Stuttgart Material Characterization using a Compact
Computed Tomography Imaging Spectrometer with Super-resolution Capability
1:40 p.m. Bernd Jähne IWR-Uni Heidelberg Sulfur Dioxide Fluorescence Imaging
2:05 p.m. Coffee break    
      Session 6: Recycling 2
2:25 p.m. Lukas Roming Fraunhofer IOSB Increasing the use of waste wood bulky waste using artificial intelligence and image processing in the VIS, IR and terahertz range
2:50 p.m Manuel Bihler KIT-IIIT Semi-supervised methods for CNN based classification of multispectral imagery
3:15 p.m. Felix Kronenwett Fraunhofer IOSB Regression-based Age Prediction of Plastic Waste using Hyperspectral Imaging
3:40 p.m.     Best Paper Award, Summary and conclusion
4:00 p.m. End    

March 16, 2021

The event addresses recent developments in innovative photonic micro sensors with digital image processing for geo-, color-, multi-, hyper- and full-spectral photonic measurement applications for the optical characterization of materials in industry, biology/medicine, environment and security and in daily life.

12:45 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

3 Sessions, 12 Presentations (10 min presentation and 5 min Q&A) and 1 Panel discussion (with Q&A)

March 17, 2021

12:30 p.m.

Opening Ceremony

  • Opening of the OCM-2021
    Prof. Dr. Jürgen Beyerer; Fraunhofer IOSB
  • Keynote Speech
    Terahertz Imaging and Sensing with Silicon Integrated Circuits
    Prof. Dr. Ullrich Pfeiffer; High-Frequency and Communication Technology University of Wuppertal

1:10 p.m.

Session 1: Agricultur

  • Phenoliner 2.0: RGB and near-infrared (NIR) image acquisition for an efficient phenotyping in grapevine research Xiaorong Zheng; Julius Kühn-Institut
  • Developing a handheld NIR sensor for the detection of ripening in grapevine
    Lucie Gebauer; Julius Kühn-Institut
2:00 p.m. Coffee Break
2:20 p.m

Session 2: Algorithms I

  • Line Spectra Analysis: A Cumulative Approach
    Achim Kehrein; Rhein-Waal University of Applied Sciences
  • In-line process characterization for the production of pelletized materials
    Sebastian Michlmayr; Johannes Kepler University Linz
3:30 p.m. Coffee Break
3.30 p.m.

Session 3: Food I

  • Towards universal assessment of dietary intake using spectral imaging solutions /
    Yannick Weesepoel;Wageningen Food Safety Research
  • Classification and sorting of hazelnuts by free fatty acid content using a quantum cascade laser in mid infrared region /
    Thorsten Tybussek; Technical University of Munich
4:20 p.m. Finish first day

March 18, 2021

Time Agenda
9:00 a.m.

Session 4: Food II

  • Detection of pyrrolizidine alkaloids using hyperspectral imaging in the short-wave infrared
    Julius Krause; Fraunhofer IOSB
  • Evaluation of meat freshness and taste based on ATP metabolites
    Nensi Kasvand; RW Estonian University of Life Sciences
  • Exotic Fruit Ripening Based on Optical Characterization
    Anton Scheibelmasser; Insort GmbH
  • Are low-cost, hand-held NIR sensors suitable to detect adulterations
    of halal meat?
    Judith Mueller-Maatsch; Wageningen Food Safety Research
10:25 a.m. Coffee break
10:45 a.m.

Session 5: Sensors

  • Sub-Second Infrared Spectroscopic Ellipsometry for Comprehensive Material Characterization
    Alexander Ebner; RECENDT GmbH
  • Improvement of roughness measurement in sub-micron ranges using contrast-based depolarization field components
    Franziska Pöller; Technical University of Munich
  • Fiber-Coupled MEMS-based NIR Spectrometers for Material Characterization in Industrial Environments
    Robert Zimmerleiter; RECENDT GmbH
  • Multimodal OCT Imaging
    Bettina Heise; RECENDT GmbH
12:10 p.m. Coffee break
1:00 p.m.

Session 6: Applications & Recycling

  • Fine metal-rich waste stream characterization based on RGB data: Compa-rison between feature-based and deep learning classification methods
    Nils Kroell; RWTH Aachen University-ANTS
  • Improvement of Thermal Fringe Projection for Fast and Accurate 3D Shape Measurement of Transparent Objects
    Martin Landmann; University Jena
  • Measurement of the coefficient of linear thermal expansion based on subjective laser speckle patterns
    Alexander Spaett; Johannes Kepler University Linz
2:15 p.m. Coffee break
2:35 p.m.

Session 7: Algorithms II

  • Generation of artificial training data for spectral unmixing by modelling spectral variability using Gaussian random variables
    Johannes Anastasiadis; KIT-IIIT
  • A high-quality image stitching process for industrial image processing and quality assurance
    Rolf Hoffmann; University Technology of Ilmenau
3:10 p.m. Best Paper
3:30 p.m. Final Summary

March 12, 2019

Time Agenda
9:45 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 10 minutes talks by representatives of industry and science
5:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Get Together with Special Session as well as Pretzels and Beer Special

Optical Spectroscopy vs. Classical Analytics – Comparable Questions and Results?

Each material has its own specific spectral signature independent if it is food, plastics, or minerals.The claim to learn more about these materials and their properties is not new.This also applies to foodstuffs, of course.Besides the analysis of ingredients, we are interested in things like originality and freshness. Of course, these questions are not new and that is why there are traditional and proven analytical methods in food technology.

Together, we will discuss and compare these classical methods and methods of optical spectroscopy with their pros and cons over a glass of beer and pretzels on Tuesday evening.

5:00 p.m. Opening ceremony
5:05 p.m.

Brief Statements:

  • What do users want? / Thorsten Gebauer; DOEHLER GmbH
  • Why laboratory analysis? / Mirko Bunzel; Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT
  • Opportunities of mobile spectroscopy! / Gabriele Straaß, Mountain Photonics GmbH
5:30 p.m.

Live measurements (spectral + mobile) vs. classical approach

  • Examples in comparison: optical spectral vs. classical laboratory solution / OceanOptics / SENORICS / Fraunhofer IPMS + IOSB
6:00 p.m


  • Documentation on the state of affairs / Andreas Hengse; Fraunhofer Allianz FoodChain

March 13, 2019

Time Agenda
10:00 a.m. Tour Fraunhofer IOSB (optional)
11:30 a.m. Registration and Snack
12:30 p.m.

Opening Ceremony

  • Opening of the OCM-2019
    Prof. Dr. Jürgen Beyerer; Fraunhofer IOSB
  • Keynote Speech. Innovations in the food sector – a European perspective
    Stephane Durand; Queen`s University of Belfast, Director Agri-Food Quest Competence Centre
  • EIT Food Project. food fortress for raw materials and ingredients in Europe – Gaining consumer trust through transparency of the supply chain
    T. F. McGrath; Queen`s University Belfast
13:50 p.m. Coffee Break
2:15 p.m.

Session 1: Food Inspection

  • Determination of tomato quality attributes using portable NIR-sensors
    S. Goisser; HS Weihenstephan-Triesdorf
  • Pre-symptomatic detection of grapevine diseases using hyperspectral imaging
    A. Kicherer; Julius-Kühn Institut
  • NIR Spectroscopy for cacao bean quality measurements
    C. Beleites; Julius-Kühn Institut
3:30 p.m. Coffee Break
4:00 p.m.

Session 2: Health

  • Hyperspectral Imaging for tissue characterization in medical applications
    P. Wahl; diaspective-vision
  • Quantitative hyperspectral imaging of absorption and scattering by Spatial Frequency Domain Imaging utilizing analytical solutions of the Radiative Transfer EquationQuantitative hyperspectral imaging of absorption and scattering by Spatial Frequency Domain Imaging utilizing analytical solutions of the Radiative Transfer Equation  A. Hohmann; ILM Ulm
  • Absorption properties of lipid-based substances by non-invasive fast mid-infrared imaging
    T. Kümmel; HS Mannheim
5:15 p.m. Coffee Break
5:30 p.m.

Session 3: Short Innovation Pitches

  • Spatially resolved ingredient detection in spice mixes using 3D convolutional neural networks
    J. Anastasiadis; KIT-IIIT
  • Process control for the food production
    T. Hanf; Fraunhofer FHR
  • A universal method and device for plant proteomics, proteinuria and freshness measurement in fish & meat
    N. Kasvand; Ldiamon AS
7:00 p.m.

Change of Location

  • Schloss Karlsruhe, Schlossbezirk 10, 76131 Karlsruhe
7:30 p.m.

Panel Discussion and Dinner

  • Panel discussion and dinner will be held at the Karlsruhe Palace. 

March 14, 2019

Time Agenda
9:00 a.m.

Session 4: Recycling / Mining

  • Using hybrid information of colour image analysis and SWIR-spectrum for high-precision analysis of construction and demolition waste
    E. Linß; MFPA Bauhaus-University Weimar
  • Detection and classification of heterogeneous materials as well as small particles using NIR-spectroscopy by validation of algorithms
    X. Chen; RWTH Aachen
  • XRT-development and sorting; application analyses and experience
    C. Bauer; Fraunhofer IIS
10:15 a.m. Break
  Session 5: Algorithms
  • Subpixel detection of peanut particles in wheat flour using near infrared hyperspectral imaging / A. Laborde, GreenTropism
  • Automatic visual inspection based on trajectory data / G. Maier; Fraunhofer IOSB
  • Exploiting multispectral imaging for non-invasive assessment of the microbiological quality and authenticity of food commodities / G. Nychas; Agricultural University of Athens
12:00 noon Lunch
1:00 p.m.

Session 6: Spectral Sensors

  • High-sensitive near-infrared organic spectroscopic photodetectors for food quality sensing
    R. Brückner; TU Dresden
  • Development of standards in hyper-spectral imaging: IEEE P4001 standards workgroup
    J. Gilchrist; CAMLIN Photonics
  • Ubiquitous spectral sensing
    A. Korayem; Si-Ware
2:15 p.m. Break
2:45 p.m.

Session 7: Spectral Sensors

  • Splicing spectral data of compact spectrometers using different detector technology
    O. Lischtschenko; OceanOptics
  • PhasmaFOOD - A miniaturized multi-sensor solution for rapid, non-destructive food quality assessment
    B. Groß; ZEDAT-FU Berlin
  • Optical characterization with filter-on-chip CMOS sensor-systems
    P.-G. Dittrich; TU Ilmenau
4:00 p.m. Final summary

Poster Presentation during all breaks

Food Inspection

  • Detection of beef aging combined with the differentiation of tenderloin and sirloin, using a handheld NIR scanner / G. Bazar; Tellspec Inc.
  • Usability and accuracy of nutrition-apps for weight management and reduction – a pilot study / A. Buchhart; Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences
  • Benchmark mobile sensors: What is the ability of the new cheap consumer sensors?
    / J. Krause; Fraunhofer IOSB

Spectral Applications

  • Infrared spectral imaging for damage detection and prevention of overhead power lines / G. Molinar; KIT-ITIV
  • Embedded technology revolutionizes spectral measurement systems with integrated processing / C. Lux; tec5 AG

Spectral Sensors

  • Optical identification of valuable materials on printed circuit board assemblies based on sensor fusion / J. Ruecker; University of Applied Sciences Aschaffenburg
  • CCD, CMOS or InGaAs? How to choose an array detector for different spectroscopic applications? / D. Bingemann; OceanOptics BV

Spectral Data Processing

  • Automatic tungsten carbide particle detection in weld pool / M. Rosenberger; Ilmenau University of Technology
  • Evaluation and comparison of different approaches to multi-product brix calibration in near-infrared spectroscopy / M. Kopf; Fraunhofer IOSB

March 21, 2017

Next generation mobile optical characterization of materials
with photonic micro sensors and digital image processing

10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Fraunhofer-Institute of Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation (IOSB)
Fraunhoferstr. 1, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany

5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

10 minutes talks by
representatives of industry and science

Starting 5:30 p.m. 

Special Session: Sensor Comparison

  • Comparability of spectroscopic measurements from different institutes and sensors; Evaluation based on different food samples / R. Gruna; Fraunhofer IOSB
  • Benchmark mobile sensors; What is the ability of the new cheap consumer sensors? / J. Krause; Fraunhofer IOSB

Live demonstration: Comparison of Sensors; simultaneous measurement and summarized presentation of results.

March 22, 2017

10:00 a.m. Tour Fraunhofer IOSB (optional)
12:00 a.m. Registration
1:00 p.m.

Opening Ceremony

  • Opening of the OCM-2017
    Prof. Dr. Jürgen Beyerer; Fraunhofer IOSB
  • Keynote Speech: Remote sensing and deep learning: smart processing of images from above
    Prof. Dr. Devis Tuia; University of Zurich
  • Analysis of plant raw materials and extracts applying various vibrational spectroscopy techniques - possibilities and limitations
    Prof. Dr. Hartwig Schulz, Julius Kühn-Institut
3:15 p.m.

Session 1: Food Inspection

  • Employing NIR-SWIR hyperspectral imaging to predict the smokiness of scotch whisky
    J. Tschannerl; CeSIP University of Strathclyde
  • Simultaneous detection of melamine and urea in gluten with a handheld NIR scanner
    G. Bazar; Tellspec Inc.
  • Non-invasive assessment of the bioburden of minced pork using a hand-held fluorescence device
    H. Schmidt; University of Bayreuth
5:00 p.m.

Session 2: Spectral Applications

  • Defect detection of green coffee by NIR-hyperspectral imaging and multivariate pattern recognition
    C. Malegori; DIFAR-University of Genova
  • Comparison between manual and automated identification of inert materials from demolition waste using hyperspectral imaging
    R. Palmieri; La Sapienza University of Rome
  • Democratizing optical spectroscopy
    D. Goldring; ConsumerPhysics
7:00 p.m.

Change of Location

  • Schloss Karlsruhe, Schlossbezirk 10, 76131 Karlsruhe
7:30 p.m.

Panel Discussion and Dinner

  • Panel discussion and dinner will be held at the Karlsruhe Palace.
  • Discussion leader and moderator: H. Grüger; Fraunhofer IPMS
  • Does the measurement of spectral data have a value on its own?
  • Data analysis / inquiries with "foreign" data – how to secure quality requirements?

March 23, 2017

Time Agenda
9:00 a.m.

Session 3: Spectral Sensors

  • Quality inspection on recycled coarse aggregates using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
    H. Xia; University of Technology Delft
  • Concentration determination for sorting applications using dual
    energy X-ray transmission imaging
    J. Lucic; Fraunhofer IIS
  • How to analyze food and how to sell a food analysis system
    P. Reinig; Fraunhofer IPMS
10:45 a.m.

Session 4: Spectral Data Processing

  • Optical measurement of material abundances in mixtures incorporating preprocessing to mitigate spectral variability
    W. Krippner; KIT-IIIT
  • Improving material characterization in sensor-based sorting by utilizing motion information
    G. Maier; Fraunhofer IOSB
  • Inline density measurement for rock wool
    D. Nüssler; Fraunhofer FHR
12:00 noon Mittagspause
1:00 p.m.

Session 5: Spectral Applications

  • Optical characterization of artist’s materials in ancient paintings by
    spectral imaging in the VIS-IR range
    G. Marchioro; University of Verona
  • Characterization of sizes on textiles by in-line NIR chemical imaging
    K. Heymann; Leibniz Institute of Surface Modification
  • Inline monitoring of structural quality and thermal conductivity of plastics in the hot extrusion process by means of infrared thermography
    J. Aderhold; Fraunhofer WKI
2:45 p.m.

Session 6: Recycling and Environment

  • Hyperspectral imaging based approach for monitoring of micro-plastics from marine environment
    S. Serranti; University of Rome
  • NIR-SWIR-Hyperspectral-Imaging supported surface analysis for the recovery of waste wood
    J. Aderhold; Fraunhofer WKI
  • THz imaging for recycling of black plastics
    A. Küter; Fraunhofer FHR
4:00 p.m. Final Summary

Poster Presentation during all breaks:

Food Inspection

  • Detection of beef aging combined with the differentiation of tenderloin and sirloin, using a handheld NIR scanner / G. Bazar; Tellspec Inc.
  • Usability and accuracy of nutrition-apps for weight management and reduction – a pilot study / A. Buchhart; Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences
  • Benchmark mobile sensors: What is the ability of the new cheap consumer sensors?
    / J. Krause; Fraunhofer IOSB

Spectral Applications

  • Infrared spectral imaging for damage detection and prevention of overhead power lines / G. Molinar; KIT-ITIV
  • Embedded technology revolutionizes spectral measurement systems with integrated processing / C. Lux; tec5 AG

Spectral Sensors

  • Optical identification of valuable materials on printed circuit board assemblies based on sensor fusion / J. Ruecker; University of Applied Sciences Aschaffenburg
  • CCD, CMOS or InGaAs? How to choose an array detector for different spectroscopic applications? / D. Bingemann; OceanOptics BV

Spectral Data Processing

  • Automatic tungsten carbide particle detection in weld pool / M. Rosenberger; Ilmenau University of Technology
  • Evaluation and comparison of different approaches to multi-product brix calibration in near-infrared spectroscopy / M. Kopf; Fraunhofer IOSB

March 17, 2015

Next generation mobile optical characterization of materials
with photonic micro sensors and digital image processing

9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Fraunhofer-Institute of Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation (IOSB)
Fraunhoferstr. 1, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany

5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Summary of the SpectroNet Collaboration Forum and transfer to the OCM 2015 with interactive hands-on training and special issue presentation:

March 18, 2015

Time Agenda
10:00 a.m. Tour Fraunhofer IOSB (optional)
12:00 noon Registration
1:00 p.m. Welcome and Opening
1:10 p.m.

Keynote Speech (Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kessler):

  • Reutlingen University and Steinbeis Technology Transfer Center for
    Process Control and Data Analysis
  • Sensitivity and Selectivity in Optical Spectroscopy and Imaging:  
    A Molecular Approach

    Prof. Kessler will open the conference with a speech about the advantages and disadvantages of different techniques in optical spectroscopy. Optical spectroscopy will play a major role in the sensor technology as it provides simultaneously chemical and morphological information. Sensitivity and selectivity are important features for the use of spectroscopy in sensor applications.
1:40 p.m.

Session: Food Inspection

  • Hochschule Geisenheim, Fraunhofer IOSB => Non-destructive determination of grape berry sugar concentration using visible/near infrared imaging and possible impact on wine quality (Lafontaine/Bockaj)
  • University Strathclyde => Prediction of lamb eating quality using hyperspectral imaging (Ren)
2:30 p.m. Coffee break
3:00 p.m.

Sitzung: Kunststoff-Recycling

  • Fraunhofer IPMS => Kunststoffsortierung mittels MEMS-basierter Nahinfrarotspektroskopie (Hintschich)
  • RTT Steinert GmbH => Identifizierung von Bio-Plasitika (Hollstein)
  • Fraunhofer ICT=> Nahinfrarotspektroskopie als Werkzeug zur Inline-Kontrolle von Prozess- und Materialeigenschaften von PLA-Biopolymeren (Becker)
4:15 p.m. Coffee break
4:45 p.m.

Session: Plastic Recycling

  • Fraunhofer IPMS => Plastics sorting using MEMS-based near-infrared spectroscopy (Hintschich)
  • RTT Steinert GmbH => Identification of bio-plasitics (Hollstein)
  • Fraunhofer ICT=> Near infrared spectroscopy as a tool for in-line control of process and material properties of PLA biopolymer (Becker)
7:00 p.m.


  • The conference reception and dinner will be held at the Karlsruhe Palace.
7:30 p.m.


  • Schloss Karlsruhe, Schlossbezirk 10, 76131 Karlsruhe

March 18, 2015

Time Agenda
9:00 a.m.

Session: Industrial Solutions

  • OceanOptics => Protecting the food supply chain from farm to
    fork: Utilizing SERS and portable Raman spectroscopy (Lischtschenko)
  • EVK DI Kerschhaggl GmbH => Hyperspectral imaging as process analysis technology for inline applications - Laboratory precision
    meets high sampling accuracy (Kerschhaggl)
  • HORIBA Jobin Yvon GmbH => Tailoring spectroscopic performance for high end material characterization by customizing grating
    based spectroscopic equipment (Kroker)
10:15 a.m. Coffee break
10:45 a.m.

Session: Spectral Data Processing

  • Fraunhofer FHR => High frequency line cameras for sorting applications (Nüßler)
  • University of Milan => Image texture potential for the early detection of biofilm on different surfaces (Malegori)
  • Fraunhofer IOSB => Towards many-class classification of materials based on their spectral fingerprints (Richter)
12:00 noon Lunch
1:00 p.m.

Session: Spectral Data Processing

  • Fraunhofer WKI => NIR spectral imaging for the in-line detection of
    preservatives in recovered wood (Aderhold)
  • Hochschule RheinMain => Dehydrogenation reaction kinetics of CeCl3-doped sodium alanate pellets measured by simultaneous FTIR-ATR-spectroscopy and gravimetry (Bauer)
  • Karlsruhe Insitute of Technology IAR-IPR => Acquisition and storage of multispectral material signatures-Workflow design and implementation (Irgenfried)
2:15 p.m.
Coffee break
2:45 p.m.

Session: Mineral Sorting

  • Delft University of Technology => Application of near infra-red (NIR) spectroscopy to sensor based sorting of an epithermal Au-Ag ore (Dalm)
  • Karlsruhe Institute of Technology IIIT => Applicability of hyperspectral fluorescence imaging to mineral sorting (Bauer)
  • Delft University of Technology => Visible and infrared reflectance spectroscopy for characterization of iron impurities in calcined
    kaolin clays (Guatame-Garcia)
4:00 p.m. Final summary

All Posters are presented during all breaks

Food Inspection

  • University of Milan => Non-destructive evaluation of acerola quality using IR spectroscopy
  • Mines Nancy Graduate School of Engineering, Fraunhofer IOSB => Near-infrared optical spectroscopy of sugar-based mixtures - A snapshot to identify issues of influence
  • University of Bologna => Monitoring the freezing process of the “milk shake” by optical or rheological analytical tools
  • Fraunhofer IME => Optical Sensors in the food chain
  • Fraunhofer IOSB => Utilization of spectral signatures of food for daily

Spectral Data Processing

  • Fraunhofer IOSB => From Measurement to Material – Preparing hyperspectral signatures for classification
  • JEOL => Detecting the chemical shift of X-ray lines of Lithium, Boron and Carbon using a novel wavelength dispersive X-ray spectrometer in an ultra-high resolution SEM
  • SpectroNet => Optical characterization of clear colored liquids with multichannel spectral sensors for objective quality assurance
  • University of Rome => HyperSpectral Imaging applied to monitor fertilizer
    production from mixed organic wastes
  • OPTIS GmbH => A Mobile Scanner to examine the BRDF of any material within seconds
  • MAZeT GmbH => Micro-fluid embedded color measurement systems.
    What is possible via color detection?
  • Fraunhofer IOSB => BRDF: Multispectral spacial reflectance measurement

Waste Recycling

  • Bauhaus-Universität Weimar => Sensor-based sorting of mineral construction and demolition wastes by near-infrared

Mineral Sorting

  • CiS Forschungsinstitut => Sensor for determination of thin layer thickness
    and refractive index
  • Math & Tech Engineering GmbH => Automated development of vision inspection software
  • Fraunhofer ISC => Study on the influence of hydroxide ions on the UV-transparency of soda-lime silicate glass by means of spectroscopic methods

March 6, 2013

Time Agenda
10:00 a.m. Tour Fraunhofer IOSB (optional)
12:00 noon Registration and Snack
1:00 p.m. Welcome and Opening
1:15 p.m. Session: Measurement Principles
5:00 p.m. Session: Spectroscopy
4:45 p.m. Session: Food Inspection I
6:00 p.m. Summary First Day

March 7, 2013

Time Agenda
9:00 a.m. Welcome and Opening
9:15 a.m. Session: Food Inspection II
11:00 a.m. Session: Spectral Data Processing
1:15 p.m. Session: Mineral Characterization
3:00 p.m. Session: X-Ray
4:30 p.m. Final Summary