Forum Bildverarbeitung / Image Processing Forum

Forum theme

Image processing plays a key role in many areas of technology for fast and contactless data acquisition. For example, in the quality assurance of industrial production processes, in robotics and for driver assistance, image processing systems have gained an indispensable place. This development is supported by the availability of high-quality and inexpensive sensor systems, by the increase in the performance of computer systems, and by advances in the methodology for evaluating image data.

The “Image Processing forum” aims to report on current trends towards solutions in image processing and to contribute to the professional exchange between the participants.

Information about the next forum

The conference is organized by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the Fraunhofer Institute for Optronics, Systems Engineering and Image Exploitation IOSB.

On this page inform yourself about:

  • The Forum Image Processing 2022 prorgram
  • Information on the publication of contributions
  • Conference venue
  • The program committee
  • The publisher
  • The conference proceedings of the last years


  • Methods of image processing

    • Computational Imaging
    • Image Signal Processing
    • Mathematical models and procedures
    • Pattern recognition
    • Artificial intelligence and machine learning
    • Other methodological focuses


    • Measurement and automation technology
    • Quality assurance
    • Industry 4.0
    • Vehicles and Robotics
    • Assistance systems and human-machine systems
    • Medicine and Biology
    • Further applications


We cordially invite you to participate in the event with a contribution.

UPDATE: The deadline for the submission of contributions (two-page abstracts) has been extended to June 21, 2024!

Publication of contributions

Here you will find all information on the preparation of the manuscripts, the templates, the submission of the final contributions and the event.


Conference venue

The IOSB in Karlsruhe is the venue for FBV. Follow the link to get information about Karlsruhe and how to get there.

Program Committee

The program committee presides over the Forum Image Processing as a group of experts. Follow the link to get an overview of the committee members.



Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement requirements